Sunday, January 29, 2017


The darkness can be the safest place.
The constant reminder that in some way, we are all blind.
Trying to live life, but how?
If you can't pull away from the fear and pain?
What is living when your heart bleeds
from the darkness surrounding your soul?
The darkness that fills your eyes and devours your mind?
I walked the stone steps and sat at the top.
I looked down on the life I live
and wonder....

"Who is that? Where did she go, the one I recognize?"

Long, endless nights of laying here breathing.
I am aching to not feel pain but I need it...
I need it to remind me that I am alive.
Feeling devalued and unnoticed,
I lay here wondering if I should make the leap
Make the leap in hopes to get something to feel more.

I don't recognize this face looking back at me...
Could it be the mirror?

Slowly cut the first layer...let the blood flow...
Slight pain but I have been through worse.
A short period of pain on the flesh is nothing
compared to a lifetime of pain in your heart.
But seeing the blood is a reminder of life...

I fall back into this darkness I now call safety.
Desolate, cold but
I can hear but can not see the scary.
I feel a sense of belonging and am awkwardly comfortable.

The strength I have felt before disintegrates
Into the uneasiness of never being happy.
It's a sick game he plays with your life...
Just when you have it all... he takes it away.

Falling into the same patterns...

Every day feels like a struggle to move...
A struggle to breathe without the tears to follow.
Yet no physical tears track down my cheeks.
It's all dry and burning my insides like acid.

I will just bleed a little more...
Take each cut a little deeper...
Feel my life around me...

~~grb 2017

Just leave

The constant thoughts, the endless dreams;
it's everything that is in between.
The tossing, turning and the endless nights
inside myself, I can no longer fight.

I sit up, sit down, lie down still
Take a sip and swallow the pill.
Feeling the stress of a metaphorical weight  
Punching through the need to stay.

Sometimes I try to hate you more than hell
But I just love you so much still.
Sometimes I want to punch your handsome face
Sometimes I just want to walk away. 

I don't want to think about you anymore.
I want to run as far as I can go. 
Hear me, what I am trying to say.
I no longer wish for you to stay. 

I can't do this anymore. 
My chest pounds so hard, it's sore.
I can't keep breathing your life in
over and over and over again. 

I stared down at my cold, small hands.
When did I forget who I am?
I went against the one thing I said I would never do...
I lost myself in loving you. 

I am suppose to be waiting for this train.
Not sure where it is going or if its coming back again.
I have this constant song in my head
Loud enough to wake the dead...

It plays for you and me. 

Nothing has been what is suppose to be...
Nor is anything what it seems. 
I heard you say goodbye and so I walked away.
I told you that I loved you but you never asked me to stay.

I don't want to think about you anymore.
I want to run as far as I can go. 
Hear me, what I am trying to say.
I no longer wish for you to stay. 

~~grb 1/29/17

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

From Before

Its the way it ripples over my hand 
Touching so gently as it passes through
And the feel of the wind that makes it unforgettable. 
The moon paints the water like only an artist can do, 
And outlines the ocean with its magnificent light. 
I can see his face so clear
as if I could reach into the water and pull him out. 
Closing my eyes, I can feel all around me: 
The stars' warmth, the waters' fear and the sands' need to travel. 
I could only wish to feel more alive..
And oh how long it has been!

~~grb 6/7/2014 @6:46 am and completed on 6/7/2015 @6:48am. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016


The night crawls over me and it's almost unbearable.
I toss and turn trying to rid the visions out of my head.
I see your face and feel your hand on mine...
it's haunting. 

The days get colder and the nights feel empty.
Moving forward seems almost impossible 
As I stand on the edge of the cliff.
Closing my eyes, I feel almost free.

Every day I try to find it...
The reason I wake up...
The reason to open my eyes
And move on with my day.

People are around me everywhere
And feeling alone should be almost impossible but it isn't.
I find my smile and a bit of my spirit
But nothing is real behind my eyes. 

I can't forget how I had it all.
I finally had everything I have been needing and wanting
but now my anger finds me in full force.
I had you...
And now you are gone.

 I need you but you are no longer here.
You were taken from me so unfairly.
And now my tears fall and I can't catch them.
I am picking up the pieces
but they are missing a huge part...

~~grb 11/12/16
To Dwain with all my love, I miss you handsome.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

In the Rain

It's in the song, flying off each note;
It's in every moment that you are alone in your head.
It's in the words coming off their lips...
You pretend to see through them...
But you see and feel it all over again.

Strength seemed easier a year ago
Hope seemed possible.
Faith was just another thing..
Another thing that never helped.

The emotions run deep and heavy
But you choke them back..
Choke on the tears and smile.
You are suffocating by everything that isn't 
And drowning in all that everything else is.

You say nothing because they won't understand.
They try, and they get tired so they move on.
But standing alone in the rain is where they leave you.
You could have been surrounded and still be so alone.

You missed it by miles and hours.
You close your eyes to relax..
The wind in your hair
and the rain on your face...

You hear them say they are there for you..
You remember them being there once.
You sit in the dark and hear each note..
They always say you aren't...
but you are alone.

~~grb 6/5/16


Thursday, April 28, 2016


Unworthy of consideration...
Transparent in ones' thoughts.
Predictable in your reaction
But hopeless in your mind.
You scurry through your life
Believing everything will get better.
And maybe just this once it wasn't your fault.
You lay out everything in your mind
as if your laying out your church clothes..
Everything has to be in order
Nothing can be missed. 

They look at you as if you were Eden;
Like a sacred fruit they dare to try.
You finding everyone's beauty 
Becomes the fault where ugliness lies. 
You find you were important for half second.
They always move on.

It's evident that you are there
But they begin to look through you.
You become weak when you trust first
but you will never change that.
They walk through walls in your mind
Because the pain you feel they can't even see.
You decline help or restitution
Because your walls are always up. 

They know you will take two steps and then stop
They know that only half your food will be eaten
And that the four books started will never be finished.
They know you show up early and always leave late.
You are predictable..and they feed off of it.

Dismissive, Transparent, Predictable...
You know you will never change.
They will come and go as years go by
And you will disappear from their thoughts.
In time noone will remember how passionate you were
How amazing you could love and be loved
They will forget that you had pain that noone else could feel
That the tears behind your eyes were anything but transparent.

Don't dismiss me.
Please see me.
Help me make the same two steps.

Now step back...

Unworthy of consideration,  your heart slowly stops.
Transparent to the ones who mattered...they clearly did not. 
Predictable in the life you live and the steps you take...
Do not dismiss me. 
I am a cannon ball..
I can be deadly and I will not break.

~~grb 04/28/16
"When noone notices, I will be right there."-grb

Two steps back...

It was a breeze of the wind that came over me
And with a chill down my spine, goosebumps appeared.
I knew what I was doing but I just couldn't breathe.
It was only 10 more steps and then...I would be free.

It was a chain reaction to one thing I had done
or perhaps one thing I could not let go.
I find myself in predicaments that could destroy my character
I have been called a lot of things, but self-destructive has always set true.

Let's break this down...

I carry myself with pride
Self-esteem pouring out 
My confidence held high
but my mind wonders about.
I trash my spirit wondering
why others always leave
Depending on another 
Wondering why I can't breathe. 
To ease the pain and slow the tears
I grab the glass half full 
It isn't what you think..
It's half full of vodka, ready to go.
I put myself in situations
where I just lose control.
Living in the moment
isn't always the way to go.

Take two steps back for every step forward
That's how it always seems to be.
They say love big and dream bigger
But the dreams never become reality. 

It was the breeze in the wind that came over me
like a bulldozer tearing down a building.
A chain reaction to something I had tried to let go;
I knew what I was doing but I went with the flow...
