Thursday, February 25, 2016

Walking Time Bomb


I tried to hold the water
but it kept slipping through my hand.
I tried to laugh and smile
but I can no longer pretend.
My heart is freezing up
My emotions are out of control...
My body is a zombie  
And my anger consumes my soul.
I am a walking time bomb
Whose clock is winding down.
I don't know how much more I can take
before I blow this town.
I sit here on my porch
wasting time that could be spent
living life and dreaming
yet I can't get off the bench.
My body is just dragging
and I'm pulling it along;
my brain can barely handle 
the weight of playing strong. 
I close my eyes to see you
And I crumble to the floor!
I can never call you,
Never hear you on the other side of the phone.
I lay here in my closet
where the walls make me feel safe
My tears are falling silently
but nothing fills that empty space.
My anger starts to boil
I can feel it burn under my skin 
And I just want to scream and punch
every single thing. 
I am a walking time bomb
Whose clock is winding down
I don't know how much more I can take
before I blow this town.

~~grb  2/25/2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Rest your soul

I am suppose to say goodbye today 
And lay your soul to rest.
I am suppose to dance and laugh today 
But I may fail the test. 
I am suppose to smile and remember you
With all the good memories in our past
And move forward through the day
Forgetting that my heart is very sad.  
All these things I am suppose to do
Because that is what you asked for 
But all I really want to do 
Is cry here on my closet floor. 
I am suppose to say goodbye to you 
And lay your soul to rest.
But my heart is broken and very lost
because you were the very best. 

~~grb. 2/21/2017~~ 

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Color Blue

I dare to say, I had this dream, but more a flashback there of you. 
You were almost asleep, your body hurt 
but you  wanted to discuss the color blue...

I feel the color blue is warmth
That resonated from your beautiful eyes. 
It's the color of the sky 
That warmed your heart 
And made you smile. 

It is the color of the ocean
That we travelled through to see
the amazing island, Castaway Cay,  
as you loved everything Disney. 

It is your hand holding mine
Your heart beating in your chest 
It is the laughter that you had 
When your mind was thinking its best. 

I can go all day discussing 
what I feel is the color blue
I know you wanted to discuss it, 
But baby,  It is best described as you. 

~~grb. 2016

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I miss him

the little things are missing
i can feel them coming for me
the memories of life and love...
So alive deep in his eyes.

I will never catch up to him..
Somewhere in his mind he is doing it..
Doing everything on his own
His body can't move much in reality
But he is 5 steps ahead of me in his head.

Overpowering are his eyes
Comforting were once his arms...
Now I touch him and it hurts him.
His embrace was always so strong..
He always held tight and made me feel safe...

I miss his touch,
His kiss, his words.
I miss his hugs, his laughter,
His random thoughts..
I miss his love.

If you look deep enough in his eyes
you will see him running...
running on the beach as free as a bird.
I want to be with him in his head
Where I can hold his hand, touch his face
Hear his heartbeat as I lay my head on his chest.  
I miss him more when I am with him
But to be with him, I wouldn't change a thing.

~~grb   1/25/16~~ 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

I miss you

It was gonna be a good day as I was on my way to see you.
But then I remembered that I could only look up. 
It was gonna be a good was gonna be a good day.

I have had years of bad dreams and plenty on my mind
I did what I had to and stayed between the lines.
I thought waking up today was gonna be easier...
It was gonna be a good was gonna be just fine.

When the tear rolled down and the heat sunk in
I stared out the window and found my pain again.
I can't close my eyes without hearing you.
I can't turn up the music enough not to see you.
It was gonna be a good was gonna be just fine. 

I laid on the bed and I could smell you. 
I put on my clothes and I could feel you.
I looked in the mirror and you were smiling back at me.
Another tear fell down.
 It was gonna be a rough day. 

I know I am gonna make it and it is gonna be hard.
I know I can live again but I won't feel complete.
They say that he took you because he had a plan. 
I think that's crap and just don't understand.
It's gonna be a rough's gonna be hard.

I just want to sleep away my pain.
When I open my eyes I won't see you again. 
So if I cry in spurts and yell in rage
If I fall down and fall into a haze.
If I crumble in tears and can't get out of bed,
I will be okay, is what you always said. 

It was gonna be a good day, I was gonna see you.
It was gonna be a rough day, as I already knew.
It was gonna be a good day as I hold you in my heart. 
It has to be a good day but I don't know where to start. 

I miss you.

~~grb  2015~~