Thursday, April 28, 2016


Unworthy of consideration...
Transparent in ones' thoughts.
Predictable in your reaction
But hopeless in your mind.
You scurry through your life
Believing everything will get better.
And maybe just this once it wasn't your fault.
You lay out everything in your mind
as if your laying out your church clothes..
Everything has to be in order
Nothing can be missed. 

They look at you as if you were Eden;
Like a sacred fruit they dare to try.
You finding everyone's beauty 
Becomes the fault where ugliness lies. 
You find you were important for half second.
They always move on.

It's evident that you are there
But they begin to look through you.
You become weak when you trust first
but you will never change that.
They walk through walls in your mind
Because the pain you feel they can't even see.
You decline help or restitution
Because your walls are always up. 

They know you will take two steps and then stop
They know that only half your food will be eaten
And that the four books started will never be finished.
They know you show up early and always leave late.
You are predictable..and they feed off of it.

Dismissive, Transparent, Predictable...
You know you will never change.
They will come and go as years go by
And you will disappear from their thoughts.
In time noone will remember how passionate you were
How amazing you could love and be loved
They will forget that you had pain that noone else could feel
That the tears behind your eyes were anything but transparent.

Don't dismiss me.
Please see me.
Help me make the same two steps.

Now step back...

Unworthy of consideration,  your heart slowly stops.
Transparent to the ones who mattered...they clearly did not. 
Predictable in the life you live and the steps you take...
Do not dismiss me. 
I am a cannon ball..
I can be deadly and I will not break.

~~grb 04/28/16
"When noone notices, I will be right there."-grb

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