Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Drifting off in a world of touch
I feel the beauty with my eyes.
Focused, determined


Closed off but open,
I can touch the music.
Feeling it through my body
A happiness, unfounded


The pleasure of the water;
The tingle on my skin;
The wind through my hair;
A deepness in my soul...


Pleasured, erotic
The taste to the tongue
of a fruit once forbidden:
A sensual pleasure. 

I close my eyes...
The music takes me away
Electrifying into my soul
I dare to keep on...


~~grb 2012~~

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Colors of yellow, blue and red
The changing of a rainbow 
Residual stains on the carpet;
Everything, permanent.

Thinking things will change
Hoping without changing
Standing still yet moving;
Sitting yet sleeping...

When nothing makes sense...
I write.
When I can't feel settled...
I write.

Testing the waters
with backfiring results
Trying to fly
without wings...

Succeeding in life,
Failing at love...
Holding on tight
but losing control...

When nothing makes sense...
I write.
When I can't feel settled...
I write.

Holding water but empty hands
being whole but feeling like half...

When nothing makes sense...
I write.
When I lose control..I...

I hold the pencil...

~grb 2/25/2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cannon Fodder

The course of action was to be subtle
But it was everything but that.
It was intense and loud instead. 

I close my eyes to feel nothing but the sand...
The sand between my toes, hugging my feet.
It isn't calming me this time.

I thought it out..
I thought it through..
Laid out the consequences,
Realized there would be cannon fodder;
Never imagined it would be me.

I followed the signs...
I followed my gut...
I led in my decisions...
and let my conscience guide me. 
Or betray me...

I laid it all out..
I thought I thought it through..
I thought I had seen all the possibilities..
The consequences seemed clear...

I tripped over myself today
Face planted into a darkness I regret.
I feel I cannot see light,
And the sand is feeling cold. 

I realized there would be cannon fodder;
Never imagined it would be me.

~~grb  2/2012~~
(picture by unknown source via Google images)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Where is my mind? 
Where is the place I drift off to?
Where is the light
That guides us in the right direction?

Where is my MIND?
Where is my LIGHT?
Why do I drift off into silence
passing time?

Where is my mind?

Cascading waters down the rocks..
I find myself wanting it to stop..
Where does it go when there isn't a stream?
Why does it leave?

Where is my mind?

Rolling down the crimson tide
Wasting all my time..
Watch it bleed it's whole way down
Pretending it is fine.

Catch me falling and I will reward you
Save me from dieing and I will hold you
Watch me drown and I will not know you
Watch me cry and I will know I am not for you.

And I drown....

Where is my MIND?
Where is my LIGHT?
Why do I drift off into silence
passing time?

Where is my mind?


Finding What Is There

Waiting for the snow when it isn't even cold
 Looking for the puddle when there isn't any rain. 
Always looking for what isn't.

Staring into a pasture that has died away
I sat there for hours, staring.
Once feeling the ultimate love
To later feel ultimate loss.

I spend hours smiling and living..
Living in the moment..happy moment.
But inside, I am crashing down...
Barreling down into a pile...
A pile of....poop.

My strength keeps me going 
But it also brings my weaknesses. 
My heart keeps on beating 
But it gets slower as time goes.

Waiting for the snow when it isn't even cold
 Looking for the puddle when there isn't any rain. 
Always looking for what isn't there
And never finding what is.
