The gentle rays of the sun streamed through my blinds

I decided to sit outside and take it in...
And I took in more......not always good.
My mind felt like it was gonna explode
'Things in my life I have done and those I haven't
Things I have said...things I haven't.
Trying to fill voids by staying busy, being social...
Trying to fill the spaces.
Life gets overwhelming
Memories, some haunting
Dreams become mesmerizing
The days just seem long.
The sun seems warm on my face and I have decided
That I am done....
I am done going through life just to get to tomorrow.
I am done explaining my actions for what I have not done yet
And trying to figure why I have done what I have.
I need to look at the world differently...see more than just today
The sun feels warm on my skin, fresh to my body
I can feel whole without even breathing.
I want to live under the sun for the rest of my life.
~~grb 2011~~