I see him in my dreams
I know him in my head
I love him in my heart
I misunderstand him plenty of times
And hurt him more than I can count.
But I still see him in my dreams.
I felt him wipe my tears yet he wasn’t there.
I woke up to him holding me….but it was me.
My mind plays these tricks on me when I am all alone
It doesn’t really help me.
I turned to God on this…I asked him if what I was doing was right?
I waited, impatiently for the answer…but it never came….
I sat outside by myself watching the moon come up
And the sun go down…
I opened my book to page 21...of all pages.
I looked up and saw the moon as huge, orange and round as could be…..
I walked inside to get a drink, maybe turn on some music, and Collide came on.
After that, Chasing Cars came on…..coincidence?
I sat there longer just thinking…
I am so eager to be so right that maybe I have blinded myself….
Confused myself.
I went inside to change and out of nowhere rolls out this orangeish white marble…
I cried like I had seen the best romance movie ever.
I believe in signs….I believe once in a blue moon God actually answers you.
But how could I be so sure that’s what it was?
I sit here, writing this poem with confusion in my head
But no confusion in my heart….
Could I be ultimately wrong in all of this?
Grb 2011