Saturday, August 16, 2014


Unable to sleep so I write. 
Unable to share , so I keep quiet. 
Slightly suffocating under my skin
Wrapping me up, wearing me thin. 
Close my eyes and  it happens all over again
Try staying busy to ignore the pain. 
I'm suffocating...

Where's the knife to cut a hole
To help me breath when it's tightly pulled
Across my face, I cannot breathe
Across my body, I can't break free
I'm suffocating...

Walking trough the water, I cry
Feeling the water up my thigh
I rip at it all that keeps chaining me down
I tear it apart until I fall to the ground...

The sand at me feet, pulling me in
Grabbing and tugging at my shins; 
The water lays across my legs
Helping me sink into the waves.
I'm suffocating. 

Taunting, haunting
It's wearing me down
Tightly pulling me 
To the ground...

I'm suffocating. 

~~grb. 8/16/14 


Ice cold water almost burns my face
As wake up to the tears down my cheek.
I must have dreamt something
Yet I wake with no memory of what.
Trying to go back to sleep is useless.
My mind keeps going back...
Rolling back to that day of bad news...
Rolling back through years of everything,
Everything that is so unimportant now.
Can't forget  the sadness,
The pain behind my eyes,
The heaviness in my heart.
No one can stop it
Not sure if I can contain it much longer.
I don't need to show people I care
Or that I am affected.
I don't need to prove to anyone my feelings,
By public tears and spoken words.
I live everyday in my skin and feelings.
I deal with things in my own way
And communication has never been my thing.
I sit here now thinking of what to feel
Some sort of justification for the tears
Behind my eyes.
There is no going back...
No do overs or time travel.
I sit here in the dark contemplating ...
Trying to decide where to go from here.
I just want to lay down....
Wake me when it's all over.

~~grb 8/10/2014