The quiet surrounds me as I sit here.
I don't remember the last time I felt this calm.
I feel him with me though I can't see him
And closing my eyes, he engolfs me in his warmth.
I have spent nights crying and days pretending
That I was gonna be okay.
Then I wake this morning to the birds and the sun
And realize it doesn't matter if I am okay.
You see, I'm alive.
That is the gift we are given when our loved ones
Are taken from us.
Whether we like it or not,
We still breathe in their absence.
We are told when we are young that we have choices.
We are not informed how limited our choices really are.
I choose to keep him...
I choose to be dancing in the rain with him.
I choose...
So you see, it doesn't matter my choice
Nor does it matter if I'm okay.
All that matters is that I stay breathing
Continuing to miss him everyday.
~~grb 3/2016~~
(This picture was taken in 2015 in Disney World by Dwain Harris)
(This picture was taken in 2015 in Disney World by Dwain Harris)