Sunday, August 19, 2012

Too Much

  The stones punctured my back on my way down.
Each stone ripping into my skin.
As my head hit the last stone it could take...
I realized I had fallen, again.

I climbed to the top before
Using every piece of my anger,
My motivation was my fear
And I hid my love behind my heart...
I was driven to not feel what had been.

And here I lie alone on the ground.
The fall was quick and exhausting.
But the pain, I am sure it's there....
Yet I am numb. 

For every stone protruding my skin
I shed a tear of blood.
For every stone I hold in my hand,
I feel the loss of my love.
For every silent thought I feel
I pray, this is too much.

~~grb  2012~~

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wicked Truth or Desperate Lie?

                                              f   u  s   e  d,
                                                n                         l
                                                o                            o
                                                 c                            s

                                             L  I
                                             S          F
                                             S          E
                                             E   L

"Stand tall, be strong"....I read it in a book.
His smile was his mask and his heart was his...
He stood in his truth and lied to noone...
But sometimes, he felt as though he was his own captor. 

The image in the mirror has a shield...
Something to hide behind;
Wipe off the makeup
Remove the mask....breathe.

Every excuse in the book not to go forward
Every excuse in the book not to hold back...
Every excuse for every thing....
Can't lie about something if you never let it happen.

"The truth shall set you free."
If so, why when we tell it do we feel caged?
Why does it feel like chains on your wrist?
Like a ball hooked from the chain on your ankle?
Sometimes a lie can feel like freedom when the truth is a sinking ship. 

Ageless, beautiful, passionate...
The words can feel heavy but another lie is told.
Mean, slobbery, foolish..
And the truth shall bring down the tears.

The image in the mirror was restless,
Wiped the makeup off, removed the mask.
Removed one strap, two straps
Unbuttoned one button, two buttons, three....
Clothes to the floor.

The image in the mirror was the truth
No masks, no shields, no protection.
Not sure what to make of it, the clothes came up.
"The truth shall set you free"
Or shall it be your captor?

Wicked Truth or Desperate Lie?

~~grb  2012~~


I stared at this painting for hours...
I stared at it, cried at it, fell in to it.
It screamed to me "come closer".
It could be a raging tiger.
At one end, the heavens push him in the "right" direction;
And on the other, evil cannot let go.
He is reaching, grabbing, thrusting forward
Trying to get as far away as possible.
It is fire, war, pain, death and tears.
It is hatred, anger, distrust and fears.
It is...or is it not?
Perhaps it is life coming from death,
light after coming from the dark...
Or is it?
Or maybe it is all in my head. 
I am seeing what I need to or maybe, 
what I have to. 
~~grb 2012~~

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Broken Ground

The ground cracked under my feet
Cutting me up, I watched them bleed.
As it breaks underneath me I began to think...
I should have been more prepared.

It's like a puzzle piece that doesn't fit
No matter which way you turn it, it's wrong.
Feeling detached, disconnected...
I want it to fit. 

It's a never ending hallway of disappointment
The dreams you had are right there,
but you can't grab them...
You can't even reach them.
Feeling restless and out of control.

I strained my neck just trying to see what it was
What it was that I needed, wanted so badly.
A high standard dream of success...
And a multitude of obstacles dragging me down...
I need to learn to hurdle better.

~~grb  2012~~

(Picture belongs to