It was a strand of hair
A new direction straight from his head.
It was potential, beauty, bright future
That lied endlessly in the palm of his hand.
Did he really understand how quickly he could blow it?
Young, talented, promising...
with the squeeze of his hand
It could all be gone.
Why would he decided to hold it all in one hand?
Decisions can be the hardest thing in life.
They can essentially decide who you are...
Show people what you stand for
And what you don't.
You can change them, but you can't take them back.
He is headed in the right direction,
I must have faith.
But faith won't keep him straight,
Faith won't stop the world from throwing curve balls.
Faith won't hold him tight when he is scared as hell.
I can not keep him safe.
I can not keep him straight.
I can not decide for him
And I can not give him the answers.
So I sit here feeling helpless,
I will love him and guide him.
And I will pray he is doing what is right.
And learns from what isn't.
~~grb 2012~~
(The picture belongs to Anne Houseman- website beautyxpose)